Four Seasons
A Solo Show by Jane McElvany Coonce
Dates: July 1 -July 29, 2022
Opening Reception: Friday, July 1, 2022, 5-7 p.m.
In March 2020, the lock down hit due to Covid, and I realized that this could be a negative experience or a positive one. I decided to make it a positive one. I painted every day. Since I couldn't teach my art classes in person, I taught a Zoom art class for my students. This turned out to be a very successful experience. I painted all the seasons of the year. The one problem was that there were no art shows going on, and therefore, the number of paintings grew in my studio. That's when I decided to do a solo show at Gallery Underground to show all the seasons of the year of lockdown. Most of the paintings are small to medium size, and I worked in both oil and watercolor. Painting everyday made me become a better painter and capturing the different seasons was a unique experience for me. I know that the lockdown period was not easy for most people, but for me it was a growing experience as an artist.