Elise Ritter

Elise Ritter is an award-winning artist who loves luminous and opalescent jewel-toned colors, and the magical properties of light. She began her artist career by painting watercolors of boats and seascapes, and now paints abstract trees, human forms, and spiritual landscapes, using symbols, cubist patterns, acrylics and collage.
Her paintings have been featured in publications in the United Kingdom, US, Canada and Portugal, and in collections throughout the US, Germany, New Zealand (where she exhibited in a prominent art gallery) China, and Puerto Rico.
Her artworks have been exhibited in numerous galleries in the DC area, throughout Virginia, and purchased by New York art consultants.
She is a juried member of Arlington Artists Alliance, the Potomac Valley Watercolorists, and Studio 10 Artists.
Medium: acrylics, watercolor, collage, mixed media, water media, inks, alcohol inks