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Johnny Dukovich



While painting, I primarily work in oils, but also enjoy painting with acrylics and drawing with charcoal. Some general themes I seem to revisit are nature, wildlife, the human form, and abstract expressionism. I have also been exploring social and political issues and am continuing to develop that area of my art.

Additionally, drawing upon my engineering background, I enjoy making art interactive by embedding sensors, lighting, and motors in some pieces. I like the idea of a piece of art sensing that someone is looking at it, and then responding to them – usually by displaying additional information in the piece. I also use laser cutters and routers to create and shape wooden pieces and components for various parts of projects.

I work in the Blue Studios Underground, which is in the Crystal City Underground and is accessible to the public. I enjoy the experience of working in plain sight. It gives me the opportunity to interact with the public, share ideas with studio mates, and try to keep my studio space in some semblance of order. Please stop by some time – I’d love to chat.

Medium: oil, acrylic, wood, light, interactivity

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