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Kelley Parent



Kelley's path to art has been a long delayed journey. She painted, sculpted and crafted all the time as a child, but grew away from art in her teenage years. In college, art courses always seemed to call to her, yet she had no time in her schedule to take one as a Physics major. In 2018, while on maternity leave with her second child, Kelley picked up her paintbrush again, focusing on watercolors. Kelley has no formal training in art, so she took some online courses in basic watercolor techniques and practiced daily. Kelley enjoys painting landscapes, skies, clouds, and galaxy watercolors. She has also begun to paint in oils; focusing on landscapes, satellite imagery and portraits. She says:

"For me, it is all about Soul. Soul of the person, place or object. I strive to capture a moment, an emotion, a pose, the quiet, the loud - and share it with the world."

Kelley is a full time Physics teacher with Arlington Public Schools. She loves the creative side of teaching science and fully embraces the Miss Frizzle approach to science and art: "Take chances, make mistakes and get messy." She makes her home in Arlington with her husband, two children and two fuzzy cats.


instagram: @kelleyswatercolors

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