Beyond Boundaries
A 2023 Art Exhibition with Studio 10 Artists
Dates: February 27 - March 31, 2023
First Friday Opening Reception: Friday, March 3, 2023, 5-7pm
“Beyond Boundaries” – a 2023 art exhibition featuring the Studio 10 Artists
Elisabeth Hudgins, Kat Jamieson, Linda Maldonado, Elise Ritter & Deborah Taylor
Studio 10 Artists presents a new group show that explores what it means to move through and across many kinds of boundaries in a personal way.
We all live with boundaries—they can keep things in or keep things out. Beyond them are places full of possibility but not yet known.
This show explores the idea of stretching beyond constraints—a process for artists that involves self-exploration, risk, practice and resolution. Creative travel beyond limitations proves to be exciting as well as freeing!
Studio 10 Artists is a group of 5 award-winning painters who compose exhibitions using a cohesive theme that inspires them. Then each artist expresses her vision in a distinctive style and medium of choice—oil, watercolor, acrylic, collage, or ink. The result is a rich and beautiful group show.